DTC Côte d'Ivoire at a glance


ITU’s DTC partner in Côte d’Ivoire is the Ecole Multinationale Supérieure des Postes (EMSP) based in Abidjan, which is mandated to deliver training in postal and financial services, as well as continuing education in digital transformation, mobile applications and digital marketing. EMSP manages one training centre in the capital, but the institution counts on multiple partnerships with educational and IT institutions allowing them to deliver training across the country.

EMSP joined the Initiative in January 2020. It focuses on targeting youth, teachers, trainers, start-ups, SMEs, people in rural communities, as well as policymakers, executives and senior managers. The pilot phase of the ‘JEAN’ project was also launched, aimed at equipping youth with digital skills through a volunteering programme in the community of Azaguié.

DTC Ivory Coast conducts a citizens training for over 90 middle school students as part of its “Digital Holidays” activities

From 3 to 7 September 2024, the DTC in Ivory Coast, Ecole Multinationale Supérieure des Postes d’Abidjan (EMSP) conducted a citizens training programme for middle school students as part of its “Digital Holidays” activities. The 3-day training took place in the localities of Abengourou, Daloa and Korhogo, and was supported by ITU and the Government of Norway through the Project “Boosting Digital Skills through Digital Transformation Centres”. It brought together a total of 92 students (including 50 girls) and was facilitated by trainers who successfully completed EMSP’s “Young Digital Ambassadors (Jeunes Ambassadeurs du Numérique, JEAN) programme in 2023. Participants were trained on basic digital skills and had the opportunity to explore some of the latest digital literacy courses offered under the DTC Initiative (such as the Cisco courses on “Digital awareness”, and “Using a Computer and Mobile Devices”, etc.). The training also provided a platform to initiate conversations with students on the basics of cybersecurity and to raise awareness on the importance of online safety. Moving forward, the DTC in Ivory Coast plans to roll-out the programme in the localities of Azaguié and Adzopé, by the end of 2024 with support from the DTC Project. 


DTC-Cote d'Ivoire enhances the digital skills of its Young Digital Ambassadors through a train-the-trainer programme

With the support of ITU and Cisco, l’Ecole Multinationale Supérieure des Postes (EMSP) d’Abidjan organised a train-the-trainer programme on basic and intermediate digital skills as part of its Young Digital Ambassadors initiative (Jeunes Ambassadeurs du Numérique – JEAN). The training was conducted across the five localities of Azaguié (South), Korhogo (North), Adzopé (South-East), Abengourou (East) and Daloa (South-Westt) between 12 June and 20 October 2023, and brought together 82 young trainees, including 13 women.

These activities were conducted in a face-to-face modality and consisted of a first training phase aiming to assess the digital skills proficiency of participants within the designated localities, as well as their motivation to continue to engage and contribute to building the digital capacities of citizens, as Digital Ambassadors. Courses were delivered through the Cisco Skills for All platform and focused on Operating Systems Basics. Following the first phase, participants completed 65 hours of self-paced learning between 30 October and 1 December (phase 2), after which they will attend the third and final phase of the programme, to be held subsequently in December 2023. 

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